Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

Choosing the right educational childcare for your family is a big decision. We know you have questions, so we have compiled our most frequently asked questions below. Can't find an answer to what you're looking for? Just ask! We’re here to help.
We provide state-licensed home based/family care for children 3 months to 5 years old. Learn more about our program for details contact the director.
Our physical address is 1310 Ashby State Road, Fitchburg, MA, 01420.
To find or locate Joyful Cubz daycare type in the address provided above in a map application or service.
NO, we don’t have a mobile app. But we will be using the program phone to take photos that you’ll receive photos and videos of your child, updates on diapering, naps, meals and activities. After when you sign a permission slip.
Yes. Our front door is secured with LOCKS, so only authorized families may enter. Visitors must sign-in and provide a valid ID prior to entering our school.
As of now. Yes. TILL FURTHER NOTICE am working on it where I will be providing all the meals.
Due to the number of children with peanut allergies, Do not bring peanut products. If your child has an allergy, please include this information on your enrollment paperwork.
Weather permitting, we take children outside every day. During inclement weather, we plan indoor activities designed to exert the same amount of physical activity and to promote movement and large muscle development.
We have an open-door policy, and you are welcome to visit any time but must have any id with them upon visiting.
To enroll in one of our programs, Contact the program to check classroom availability. Your Director will give you an Enrollment Package containing forms required by your state. Submit your completed Enrollment Package to your Director to complete your registration and set your start date!
Childcare costs vary child’s age, the number of days and the number of hours per day you need care.
Tuition is due weekly, by the close of business on Monday, for the week of attendance. Parents wishing to pay bi-weekly or monthly must pay in advance. A check, cash, voucher and online
If you have a question not addressed here, please Contact us so we may assist you! We are here to help.